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1 125 I know I should be glad we made it this far, but if we[XENO:n ] don't find the Apocrypha Generator soon...[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
2 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT7 ]Exactly.[XENO:wait wait=key ]
3 125 The fight against Egil's not going to be easy with[XENO:n ] the Monado in its current state. And we don't know[XENO:n ] what kind of toll it'll take on Shulk's body.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT9 ]
4 125 We have to destroy that generator.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
5 125 It's up ahead.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
6 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT1 ]Shulk?[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT3 ][XENO:del del=this ]
7 125 There's a strong energy coming[XENO:n ] from up ahead. That has to be it.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
8 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT4 ]Really?[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT6 ][XENO:del del=this ]
9 125 [XENO:act act=EVT1 ]Yes.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
10 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT19 ]Then this is it! Egil's gonna be scrap metal[XENO:n ] when I'm through with him![XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]